
Sunday, January 09, 2005


this picture was taken in Ellis Island - in New York harbor- which is an immigration museum nowadays. it used to be a major port of immigration during 1892 to 1954 . "Some twelve million people landed there; today their descendents account for almost 40% of the US population". the immigrants had to went through all sort of tests from medical to literacy test. this picture shows the literacy question the immigration officers used to ask in those years. the interesting question was the one they used to ask from the persians, I was amazed that they made a question for persians a century ago and to be honest, I couldn't read that phrase in Persian, it was so difficult and strange, like a verse from "Avesta" or something like that, and there is no dot or comma in the phrase. I couldn't take a clear picture form that board. anyway the persian phrase is (the second row, left):

راههاي او هميشه استوار است احکام تو از او بلند و بعيد است همه دشمنان خود را هيچ ميشمارد در دل خود گفته است هرگز جنبش نخواهم خورد و دور بدور بدي را نخواهم ديد

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